FilthyDon wrote:
Alby wrote:
FilthyDon wrote:
Furztondon wrote:
What was the fight about at the end of the match in the concourse behind cow shed. Awful scenes. Drunk lads kicking off and punching stewards etc..
I bet the group from last week have nothing to do with it
I seriously think you should stop jumping to conclusions. You jumped to a conclusion a few years ago basically calling me a criminal and was left with egg on your face when I was found to be innocent.
It could be them but until you know you really need to keep it shut before you have any knowledge on the fact especially given you weren’t there.
Move on Alby, like you say it was a few years ago.
I wasn't there you are right. But any time there has been any form of trouble, whether it was last week or in previous seasons, it's mostly the same people. There's a pattern. If it's not them, fair enough, but if it is, then I don't expect anyone defending them.
This all seems to be a bit OTT. May i ask when all this trouble by our fans has taken place. please don't
mention the QPR incident as that was just our own fans a few drinks to many with a little disagreement and a couple of our more senior fans charged with Affray. Northampton there was no trouble. what happened was police corral them all together intimidate them by waving batons and bringing dogs up close to frighten a group who had done nothing wrong. Some shout and complain about treatment and they are pulled out and charged with public order offenses. criminal damage could be anything its not always as bad as you would think.
Massive police overreaction. As far as i can see our younger noisy fans seem to be keeping within the law. I hope they continue to do so.