Stand Up Comics redux
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Author:  keyser soze [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

Gers wrote:
keyser soze wrote:
keyser soze wrote:
Stewart Lee, obvs. I'm off to see him for the fourth (I think) time soon, at MK theatre. Tickets available, but only on sale to The Metropolitan Liberal Elite, naturally.

Saw him last night. He was on top form (much better than the covid delayed show last year at the Royal Festival Hall). There was even a heckler (not something comics have to deal with much, once moving off the comedy club circuit to the theatre circuit, a point SL made last night) and it was chilling how he dealt with him. Not with a "mad bantz" response but with silence and time.

Overall, the show is superbly structured to give you a comedy act but at the same time to show the workings. A bit like if a magician told you how he was performing the magic trick whilst he was doing it.

Not to everyone's taste of course, but if you like him, you really like him and he's great right now.

Seeing him tonight.

You're in for a treat.

Author:  Alby39 [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

Russell Peters
Louis C.K
Bill Burr
Chris Rock
Dave Chapelle
Kevin Bridges
Rich Hall
Billy Connolly
Norm McDonald
George Carlin
Peter Kay

Mainly American/Canadian based comedians here, because frankly, British stand up has dropped off MASSIVELY

Author:  Gers [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

keyser soze wrote:
Gers wrote:
keyser soze wrote:
keyser soze wrote:
Stewart Lee, obvs. I'm off to see him for the fourth (I think) time soon, at MK theatre. Tickets available, but only on sale to The Metropolitan Liberal Elite, naturally.

Saw him last night. He was on top form (much better than the covid delayed show last year at the Royal Festival Hall). There was even a heckler (not something comics have to deal with much, once moving off the comedy club circuit to the theatre circuit, a point SL made last night) and it was chilling how he dealt with him. Not with a "mad bantz" response but with silence and time.

Overall, the show is superbly structured to give you a comedy act but at the same time to show the workings. A bit like if a magician told you how he was performing the magic trick whilst he was doing it.

Not to everyone's taste of course, but if you like him, you really like him and he's great right now.

Seeing him tonight.

You're in for a treat.

Indeed, he was, as usual, brilliant.

Author:  Gers [ Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

And I can only really echo what Keyser has already said. It's so clever. Here's what I'm going to do. Here's me doing it. Here's what I've just done. Brilliant.

The Dons cognoscenti were out in force. My good self obviously, Brando and his good lady wife, Radar, and at least three fellow Dons' fans. We know what we like.

Author:  Lieutenant Dan [ Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

keyser soze wrote:
Saw him last night. He was on top form (much better than the covid delayed show last year at the Royal Festival Hall). There was even a heckler (not something comics have to deal with much, once moving off the comedy club circuit to the theatre circuit, a point SL made last night) and it was chilling how he dealt with him. Not with a "mad bantz" response but with silence and time.

Overall, the show is superbly structured to give you a comedy act but at the same time to show the workings. A bit like if a magician told you how he was performing the magic trick whilst he was doing it.

Not to everyone's taste of course, but if you like him, you really like him and he's great right now.

I went Wednesday night as well. I wanted to punch that heckler because I thought he killed off the rhythm and momentum of the show. Absolutely not SL's fault and he dealt with him brilliantly as you said, but the last 20 minutes or so after that felt a bit flat IMO.

Otherwise fantastic, though. :D

Author:  Gers [ Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

Lieutenant Dan wrote:
keyser soze wrote:
Saw him last night. He was on top form (much better than the covid delayed show last year at the Royal Festival Hall). There was even a heckler (not something comics have to deal with much, once moving off the comedy club circuit to the theatre circuit, a point SL made last night) and it was chilling how he dealt with him. Not with a "mad bantz" response but with silence and time.

Overall, the show is superbly structured to give you a comedy act but at the same time to show the workings. A bit like if a magician told you how he was performing the magic trick whilst he was doing it.

Not to everyone's taste of course, but if you like him, you really like him and he's great right now.

I went Wednesday night as well. I wanted to punch that heckler because I thought he killed off the rhythm and momentum of the show. Absolutely not SL's fault and he dealt with him brilliantly as you said, but the last 20 minutes or so after that felt a bit flat IMO.

Otherwise fantastic, though. :D

What happened last night was an incredible amount of people coming in late. To his credit he actually made it really funny, but after the six or seventh time it became really tedious, and he just sort of ignored it. There was one group of fucking idiots who couldn't find their seats. Walked down two rows before they settled.

Author:  Supervisor number 5 [ Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

Not a stand up comedian but I went to see Peter Serafinowicz in his new show as failed businessman Brian Butterfield.

Very good and very funny :D

Author:  keyser soze [ Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

I saw Frank Skinner tonight at MK Theatre.

He's 67. 67! I've never seen him live before but have been a fan since his early days on TV, after his Perrier Award win at the Fringe in '91. Back then, he had a rockabilly haircut and a biker jacket. His career went wild and he became huge but he's not so well known now, amongst younger people, which he referenced tonight. The comedy universe has changed massively in the last few years.

When I was a yoof, comedy was fat white men in cheap suits making (at best) mother in law jokes or (at worst) "This (racial slur) was pulled over by a copper and..." It was what passed for entertainment. Then "alternative comedy" did to that shit what punk did to extended guitar solos by tedious blues bands. The 90's then had Lads and Ladettes, non racist, non homophobic but lots of sexual bantz (as younger people than me might say). Frank rode that wave to the top.

In the last few years, there's been a change in comedy as big and as seismic as "alternative comedy" was. But it's largely unacknowledged and undiscussed. Frank has seen his star wane due to the fact he's not part of that wave and that's life. But I have to report, there's life in the old dog yet. He did 90 minutes of solid laughs. Nothing ground breaking. Nothing turning comedy on it's head. But funny. Very fucking funny. He's a craftsman who knows his trade and does a bloody great job of making you piss with laughter all the while he's on stage. Catch the old fucker while you can, before he dies.

Just to say, support act tonight was Pierre Novellie. He was pretty good. Nothing standout but decent. You'd enjoy seeing his act.

Author:  Brando [ Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

Saw Frankie Boyle at MK:Theatre on Wednesday.

Laughed like a drain all the way through.

Author:  Leighton [ Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stand Up Comics redux

keyser soze wrote:
I saw Frank Skinner tonight at MK Theatre.

He's 67. 67! I've never seen him live before but have been a fan since his early days on TV, after his Perrier Award win at the Fringe in '91. Back then, he had a rockabilly haircut and a biker jacket. His career went wild and he became huge but he's not so well known now, amongst younger people, which he referenced tonight. The comedy universe has changed massively in the last few years.

When I was a yoof, comedy was fat white men in cheap suits making (at best) mother in law jokes or (at worst) "This (racial slur) was pulled over by a copper and..." It was what passed for entertainment. Then "alternative comedy" did to that shit what punk did to extended guitar solos by tedious blues bands. The 90's then had Lads and Ladettes, non racist, non homophobic but lots of sexual bantz (as younger people than me might say). Frank rode that wave to the top.

In the last few years, there's been a change in comedy as big and as seismic as "alternative comedy" was. But it's largely unacknowledged and undiscussed. Frank has seen his star wane due to the fact he's not part of that wave and that's life. But I have to report, there's life in the old dog yet. He did 90 minutes of solid laughs. Nothing ground breaking. Nothing turning comedy on it's head. But funny. Very fucking funny. He's a craftsman who knows his trade and does a bloody great job of making you piss with laughter all the while he's on stage. Catch the old fucker while you can, before he dies.

Just to say, support act tonight was Pierre Novellie. He was pretty good. Nothing standout but decent. You'd enjoy seeing his act.

Never done it for me....always seemed a bit too pleased with himself. Plus I always blamed him for breaking up Newman and Baddiel who I loved as a teenager ( I know didn't break the up)

Weird to think he is nearly was pushing 40 when he was leading the 90s lads movement

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