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 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:05 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:48 pm
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Anybody got any updates on this…….the silence is deafening.

Read the MELTDOWN after every game, no bullshit, just giving it straight

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:34 pm 
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WellDon wrote:
Anybody got any updates on this…….the silence is deafening.

Yeah, I answered all the questions myself as The Current Mrs Gers wasn't watching.

In other news... "It's my fucking club, and I can do what I like with it".

Hello, city morgue... You stab 'em, we slab 'em.

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:49 pm
Posts: 218
WellDon wrote:
Somebody mentioned the concessions this week, and the Supporters Board was mentioned.
As someone that takes little notice of the football politics these days… people think the SB is working, do people think it’s not working.
I believe Dons Action pulled out as they didn’t think it was working, but I’m not sure if they have returned to the fold.
As someone heavily involved at the start of this process, I could see some worth, equally it felt like more fog and process to achieve little or nothing.
Any thoughts…….or from those involved, can you list anything that has been achieved that has escaped the all seeing eye of this forum.

As someone who got pulled into being “heavily involved at the start of the process” via yourself I suppose that you’re asking me to respond…
As an aside Dons Action’s press release did not state that they didn’t think it was working. They stated that “DonsAction will no longer be working alongside the club on projects, including no longer attending Supporter Board meetings”. They emphasised that they needed to change the way that they approached things to better represent their age group:
Firstly I need to caveat this whole post as being my views and not necessarily the views of the SB who I do not have the authority to speak for.

Do I think it’s working? Well as you read through this post it’s obvious that supporters’ aren’t reading the minutes, which are the main form of communication. I’m positive that most will not read the post in full – I wish that you would but I can understand that it’s too long for most, I'm happy to speak to any of you at a game if you wish.

As WellDon knows the major issue at the start was the Terms of Reference. These were originally supposed to be in place before the SB came into being but after much discussion it was decided that those elected to the SB should work with the club to formalise these. This took a few meetings to complete.

Importantly Pete then gave the direction that the SB should follow in the meeting 12/12/22 (1E) “He indicated that he didn’t want the SB to consider itself a supporters’ organisation because we have the MKDSA and Dons Action who can campaign, put banners up etc. The SB works for the club. It’s the clubs SB, it’s a method of getting out and getting the feelings of the whole fan base not just those associated with the supporters’ groups, representing the whole ground and trying to be as inclusive as possible. One of the first things he hopes is that the SB can help the club achieve is much better messaging because so much is down to communication. SB members can be there so that supporters can talk to them at matches and bring up issues that may be personal to them.”

BuckDon wrote:
Just out of interest, is any of the SB on this forum? Don't worry, you don't have to stick your head above the parapet, I am genuinely intrigued.
Whilst this is only a fraction of the supporter base, I would say it's a pretty good place to temperature check the room. More from an observation perspective, more so than posting who you are etc.

As far as I’m aware only two members of the SB are members of this forum. With regards to forums I’ve been a member of every MK Dons forum since 2003 (AskMK forum being the first) using the same username so I'm fairly familiar with the way they work.

SB members do check here, speak to supporters at matches, observe, take and respond to emails (, have had a stand at all Family Fun Days including conducting a survey at one of these, Twitter (X), Facebook and Instagram sites are all in place, there are usually 3 or 4 SB members in Lewington’s (if you aren’t sure who they are from looking at the photos on the clubs website just ask at the MKDSA counter). Can more be done? Of course it can but it’s a two way street, there are a limited number of SB members compared to our fanbase so if you are struggling to speak to someone just email and we'll either sort it out over emails or in person.

Going back to WellDon’s opening gambit – the concessions:

Clubblack wrote:
The club has become so lacklustre in customer focus. These are the things the so called supporters board should be taking club to task on …….. No point talking to MKDSA as they represent very few we consistently shrinking membership and is an organisation walking dead with 6 committee members.

This is a good demonstration of Pete’s point about avoiding cross over. The SB were aware that the MKDSA were in communication with the club regarding concessions at half time and therefore left this with them. I’m sure that you are happy to note the following from the MKDSA:
I independently checked on Saturday and noted that there was one Kiosk open in each stand (Red, Blue and Green) with a Kiosk closed in the Green and Blue stands. I noted that all those queuing HAD been served before kick off. Many thanks to the MKDSA for their assistance with this.

Towcestrian wrote:
I would also be interested at how many Winks has bailed out of. I would guess well over 50% of the meetings.

This is freely available via the minutes but to save you looking: The first two meetings Pete was not part of the Board and delegated this to another Director. After this Pete joined the Board and has missed one meeting through illness giving him an attendance record of 86%

CleanDon wrote:
The notes get hidden on the website and tweeted once if we are lucky, ….. It feels like a members club where people can brag they are part of it.

The minutes are published as soon as the club are happy that any redactions required are implemented. You’ll note that so far no horrible black line redactions have taken place. The minutes are more extensive than would normally be expected as they are written with supporters in mind, hopefully you all appreciate this as it’s a lot of extra work ensuring details without breaching confidentiality. Last season the Supporters’ Board had its own “tab” on the clubs website, unfortunately this season the EFL have reduced the tabs allowed on the website therefore the Boards “tab” has moved to become the top item under the “Fans” tab.

Clubblack wrote:
The club has become so lacklustre in customer focus. These are the things the so called supporters board should be taking club to task on however, that board is made up of nodding dogs other than southstander and Dons Action. The others are there for the boardroom acquaintances with several having long term association rather being picked on merit.
Believe Dons Action is now attending these meetings again.
PW holds his natural forum of listen to me as nothing else matters.
This board is non functional !

There's a lot here but let’s start at the very beginning. Membership of the SB was open to all season ticket holders. Over 100 applied and a panel consisting of two club reps, two from the MKDSA and one from Dons Action selected those to be interviewed. Once interviewed the two MKDSA reps and the Dons Action rep selected the successful candidates. All of the 12 that were finally selected obtained three votes. The club were not involved in the selection. To state “The others are there for the boardroom acquaintances with several having long term association rather being picked on merit” without any substance is completely disingenuous to the SB members.

It’s also worth noting that part of the SB Code of Conduct states “Duty of Good Faith - …. acting at all times in the best interest of the MKD and its fanbase – this means ensuring that SB members never use their position to obtain a benefit or advantage for themselves, for other people or organisations.”

As WellDon has already pointed out Dons Action do not attend the meetings. The minutes of 30th May 2023 (5D) reflect this and note that the SB unanimously agreed to keep a seat on the Board open for them and to invite them to submit items for the agenda which they do. Dons actions response to this is recorded in the minutes of 12th July 2023 (5A) “Dons Action would like to thank all SB members for their response to our statement we made at the end of last season, and for allowing communication to continue where necessary.”

With regards to Training Ground discussion points:

CleanDon wrote:
The fact of the matter is - the money invested into WOG should be on the Bowl.

As stated in several Minutes Woughton on the Green is Managed by MK Dons SET. This is the Charity arm of the club and they cannot use dedicated Charity money to upgrade facilities that are nothing to do with them. That's totally illegal.

Towcestrian wrote:
Any other business should have included an update on the Bowl. In fact, the SB should be asking that to be a standing agenda item.

An interesting point of view but the response that would be given would be the same response that is given to every question asked at Prime Minister’s Question time “I refer the Honourable Gentleman/Lady to the answer given previously”. SB Minutes 13/9/23 (9I) “PW confirmed that the pitches will not be put in place until after next year’s concerts. It’s possible that enabling works will start earlier, things like the aggregate subbase of the pitches and drainage. The project is ongoing with meetings taking place between various parties on a weekly basis.”

WellDon wrote:
Anybody got any updates on this…….the silence is deafening.

Frankly I was hoping that the club would have advertised the SB vacancy (Minutes 12/12/23 – 9A, B & C) which would have provided a perfect segway for this.

In other news – please look out for the club consultation on next seasons ticket pricing (Minutes 12/12/23 - 4B).

I also note the discussions on the pitch here. These are covered by
And SB Minutes 7/2/23 (04) 4E - personally I'm interested if the reinstallation of the Desso pitch will actually happen at the end of the season..

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:46 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:55 am
Posts: 1967
Wow. Thank you Digger - very interesting read, and lots in there that I didn't realise.

One suggestion - and it really is just an honest suggestion and I know the SB members do so in their own time etc... But perhaps it would be good for someone to commit to briefly share / signpost to meeting minutes and key info and updates on here? Perhaps using this thread? Not sure if this forum is a comms priority in the grander scheme of things - its certainly where I get 99% of my updates.

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:45 pm 

Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:48 pm
Posts: 1191
Thanks Digger
A note here notifying us each time new minutes have been published would be helpful please

I like clean air and low traffic

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:44 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:48 pm
Posts: 5018
Location: In the Armchair.
Thanks for this Digger, I did hope you would respond, as I knew we would get a detailed report.
I’m glad you got the Terms of Reference sorted out finally, myself and Southstander spent a lot of time with the assistance of yourself and others getting them to a place we could start talking rather than laughing at the clubs ridiculous interpretations and demands.
Echo the above ……a link to the minutes would be a good idea.

Read the MELTDOWN after every game, no bullshit, just giving it straight

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:41 pm 
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I've no doubt there will have been a post from me last week to contradict myself, bit in all seriousness I've not had much issues with being served this season. Granted, I don't mind missing bits of the game if I need something.

I usually leave my seat on 35 for a pint, stand at the top and gauge when the crowds start coming toward the bar to go in and get one. That's if someone hadn't got me one already, which is nice of them of course. There's also a screen inside the bar, with a 3/4 second delay which is pretty damn bang on if you ask me. I've been to many grounds that have had this luxury (I'm not even saying that sarcastically, the fact they put it on in the bar which could be an issue for some clubs in terms of getting fans out of seats (though I get they make money out of both the sale of ticket and alcohol etc so it makes sense they do it) and not watching the game), one of which was Chelsea last season where you were over a minute behind.

I also know, having gone to Dons for over 15 years that if I want a pie or a soft drink, don't leave on half time? Thays the same at football at any level, non League up to Oremier League. The chances of you getting served in 3 minutes during a 15 minute interval is pretty low, so if you want something suck up you'll miss 3 mins or less of football whilst queing and go a little earlier. It's down to you to weigh uo the priority.

The actual beer issue generally, has and always likely will be shit. The actual taste of the pint this year has been pretty good, albeit at a pretty horrific price but that's football beer these days anywhere so suck it up.
The time it takes to pour is an issue, and always has been. We've said for years that pre pouring 20 or so before half time would probably help. You don't need to pour 100 and risk losing most of it - but gauging how many is in your bar at HT on any given Saturday ahead of the next home game might help.
'There's usually 40 people in the East Stand Bar at 40 mins. Have 20 pints poured for those 40 - if not all of those 40 dri k beer, chances are the later arrivals will'

But what do I know.

My ritual has been pretty similar for 2/3 years now. It has had terrible occasions, good occasions and bits inbetween. Must say, atm I'm not having much trouble.

"I think you have to try and fail, because failure gets you closer to what you're good at.

- Louis C. K.

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:47 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:17 am
Posts: 1511
Thanks Digger - Really appreciate the summary.

 Post subject: Re: Supporters Board
PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:36 pm 
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Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:08 pm
Posts: 9
For anyone who is interested the SB vacancy has now been advertised:

The official MK Dons Supporters Board profile. For the latest minutes and news visit

If you need to contact us please email:

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